Let's Find Something to Read
New & Noteworthy
Kids, come on in to the library after school and check out what we have going on. These programs run from Sept. – April and are still happening every Tuesday and Thursday when public school is in session. No classes during Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Spring Break, & Summer Break as we have special programming during those school breaks. No attendance commitment, just drop by! Lego Club – Tuesdays at 3:30 pm After School Program – Thursdays at 3:30pm
Join us for a super fun programs designed for kids under 5! Story Time Details Fridays 10:00 to 10:45 am Ages 2 through 5 Activities include: puzzles, legos (one Friday a month), books, read-a-louds, and crafts! Saturday Program Saturdays 2:00 to 3:00pm except on days there is a family movie in the theater School-aged children Activities include: read-a-louds, crafts, games, and fun!
The one-on-one sessions will continue year round! You can get help with your smartphone, cell phone, ipad, tablet, computer or genealogy. NO COMPUTER CLASSES IN JUNE & JULY. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE OR “BOOK A LIBRARIAN” SERVICE IF YOU NEED HELP. Stop by the front desk or call to sign up. (580) 924-3486 Classes are free. Register at the Service Desk or call 580 924-3486 View image | gettyimages.com eBenefits for Veterans Learn how to navigate the web to sign up…