Summer Reading Program

Last week is July 20-24.
We have “take away” bags for the kids this summer to help keep them busy and you sane!
Due to the overwhelming demand for these bags we are limiting the number to 100 bags each week and highly suggest you come on Mondays to pick up your bag as they popular!
We will post on FB when the bags are gone for the week.
Come by the library’s west entrance in June and July to pick up a bag of crafts and goodies each week for your child. They will be allowed ONE “basic” bag with crafting supplies like scissors, markers, crayons, glue and such. Then each week there will be a different themed bag. There will be displays inside the library with books and movies that go along with this summer’s theme, “Imagine Your Story” a fantasy theme.
The bags will have a reading log for you to fill out but there will be no competition this summer as we are focusing on keeping everyone busy reading and engaged. We are working on more coupons and goodies to fill the weekly bags.