Would you like to get your high school equivalency diploma through HiSET? The library is a HiSET approved testing site. HiSET is an alternative test to the GED and is more affordable. The library has an online program, Learning Express, that is accessible through the library’s web page that can help you study for the GED & HiSET. There are practice tests for both tests as well as downloadable books for the both tests. We also have study guides for the HiSET that can be checked out through our literacy director, Jami Ellis. Tests are every Wednesday and other dates can be reserved by arrangement. Register online at hiset.org
Test Taker Bulletin HiSet at a Glance Policy for Minors Release Form for 16 & 17 yr olds.
Do you know someone who needs help studying for the U.S. Citizenship test or learning English as a second language? Once again the library has the Learning Express program that has study materials for Citizenship. We also have Citizenship and English workbooks in the Literacy office. We can help you get set up to study or we can set you up with a volunteer who can help you study.
Would you like help studying for a career test like nursing, real estate, or others? Come by and see what Learning Express has in the way of career testing. There are also study modules for work related skills. We can help you get set up with an account online and you may study using the library public computers or access the info from another computer that has internet access.
Do you need help with a resume? We have resume templates on Word in the public computer lab. We can help you find a resume that is right for you.
Do you know a teen who needs help preparing for the ACT or SAT? Learning Express has study modules for both the ACT & SAT. We can set you up with an account to help you take practice tests for both or help you figure out what areas you need the most help with.
Call the library at 924-3486 or drop by to talk to Jami if you have any literacy needs we can help with.
We are also looking for volunteers who would have time to help out with this program. We need people who are willing to tutor for reading, help with resumes, or just be a friend to a patron in need! There is a tutor training coming up for all interested. Again, contact Jami for more information. jellis@durant.org